
Suggestions for unique and wonderful places in Phlyndir


Postby spsay1 » Sun Oct 30, 2011 8:18 pm

Eckankar is a civilization at the center of Phlyndir and is protected by a giant dome of water where all the water of the world went to after the cataclysm. A giant city with it's centerpiece being the tallest tower in all of Phlyndir, the tower of latria, which is once the home of the greatest wizards and the most knowledgeable scholars who had summoned the monster known as "Eck" to protect them when the cataclysm occured, which it did by gathering all the water and turning it into a dome. The surroundings of Eckankar include giant coral forests filled with unspeakable sea monsters. Before one can get to eckankar, one has to survive the passage to it.
Beneath Eckankar lies the Vermifuge of Eck. A vast dungeon that leads to Eck who continues to thrive in the aqua dome that it has made.
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