Golthyris Lake Sea

Suggestions for unique and wonderful places in Phlyndir

Golthyris Lake Sea

Postby Ted » Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:06 am

At the center of the Delphynir continent, extending southeast-ward is the Golthyris Lake Sea. It is a massive basin of water spanning thousands of kilometers across and hundreds of kilometers deep. The basin is made out of layers of soil with hardened bedrock as its final and thickest layer. This final layer keeps the water in the lake sea from sipping downwards into the continent. There are rivers that connect to the lake sea, which form the continent's water system. The lake sea has an outlet river, extending further southeast-ward, which flows over the side of the continent creating a huge waterfall into the mist ocean.

The Golthyris supports almost all of Delphynir's marine aquatic life. Being home to the smallest of aquatic animals to the greatest of sea monsters. It is a source of life to the towns and cities that have settled beside it, providing food and trade to its inhabitants. Travel between cities surrounding the Golthyris is done through boats to cross or by land around the lake sea, by those that can't afford the airships' fees, but traveling by land takes significantly longer than going by sea.
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