The Ehrui are a humanoid race having a medium build and an average height of 5 feet and 7 inches. They have dark hair colors and strong facial features. They have attributes that are equally distributed, making them capable of pursuing any profession. Their flexibility allows them to use magic, create machines, and perform acts of physical endurance. Although they are capable of manifesting such talent, they can never be perfect at a certain profession. Ehrui mages can spend their entire lifetimes hiding away and researching magic, but can never fully understand it and use it to its full potential. Ehrui technicians can work night and day in their laboratories trying to perfect the use of various metals and chemicals, but can never really master them. Ehrui warriors train night and day in the arts of combat, but their physical build prevents them from achieving perfection. Although the Ehrui do not excel at magic, technology or power, their ability to combine the use of these three skills allow them to excel at tactics.
The Ehrui are a chivalric people, valuing honor and honesty, and their kingdom extends further than all others. They are a hardy race that can adapt to most environments, allowing them to settle and expand almost anywhere. Their armies are symbols of joy and relief for allies and despair for foes because their tactics make them almost unbeatable in the art of warfare.