The Gasoru are a humanoid-draconian race with a powerful build and have an average height of 6 feet and 10 inches. Their whole body is covered with scales which protect them from physical harm. Having the physical build and the discipline, the Gasoru's physical prowess surpasses all other races on Phlyndir; being able to lift massive objects with ease and perform acts of extreme physical endurance. The Gasoru lack the ability to harness magic beyond its most basic form, relying mainly on ancestral spirits and voodoo for any magical advantage, and lack the capacity to understand science, but their discipline in the arts of combat have even the most skilled warriors in awe.
The Gasoru are a shamanic people. They believe in the spirits of their ancestors and the voodoo powers of their shamans. They live in tribes. Like a religious sect, all their actions are directed by their tribe's shaman and elder. They are known for being fearless in battle and the sight of the massive weapons they wield strike fear in the hearts of their foes.