
Different inhabitants of Phlyndir


Postby Ted » Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:02 pm

The Kod-Mezu are a humanoid race having an average height of 5 feet and 7 inches. They are slender with either silver or golden hair. Their eyes look filled with infinitely swirling energy and two glowing streaks, one on each side, run down their face following the path where tears would normally flow down. Their magical abilities surpass all other races on Phlyndir. Because of their magical lifestyle they don't bother developing their physical strength as far as the other races have, instead, they continuously develop and hone their magical prowess to perfection. Their understanding for magic makes them both feared and respected by the other races.

The Kod-Mezu are a secretive people. They keep things to themselves or limit it to only those absolutely necessary. They have a caste system which determine their purpose and stand in their society. Unlike the pseudo-democratic Ehrui, a Kod-Mezu's caste is determined by the caste of its parents and the only chance a Kod-Mezu gets to choose a caste is if its parents are from different castes, though this is extremely rare and the choice is limited to the castes of the parents. The society of the Kod-Mezu as a whole is run by an oligarchy composed of the heads of the different castes, usually the strongest in their caste. The Kod-Mezu choose to settle in places where they believe magic is concentrated. The magical destruction their armies are capable of bringing to the battlefield make even the most hardened warlords tremble.
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Joined: Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:55 am

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