This section is for Bestiary concepts that you only have a vague idea of. Write them down here so that others may take notice and improve on it.
Delinir Mountains
- Markhor (mentioned in Chimera; they're mountain goats)
- Wyverns (they fly and stuff)
- Ice/Mountain Giants (live only in snowy parts of the mountains)
Ygothu Darklands
- Ygothu Darkwolves (Dire Wolves warped by Wytherium)
- Wytherium Uceto (unique; Uceto warped by Wytherium)
Golthyris Lake Sea
- Large Octopi (about human-sized; they flee when low on health and camouflage on something)
- The Kraken (unique; initially disguised as a large portion of the lake floor)
Thelsphyr Desert
- Viper Snake (mentioned in Chimera; possible rival of the Naarkas)
Solfinir Woods
- Dire Wolf (mentioned in Chimera)
The Mist Ocean
- Mist serpents: serpents that roam the mist oceans. They are a pale white set of creatures with two great wing-like fins on their sides. They glide through the mist, only flapping when they lose speed or altitude. Mist serpents are known to attack ships that pass by, lunging at them with all they have
- Mist whales: they are huge, to say the least. Mist whales are known to be the size of four houses, the catch being they aren't violent; they feed off the bacteria in the air, with their perpetually open mouths. Other mist creatures are known to land on them to either mooch off a ride, or create permanent homes.
Rune Creatures
- Monsters that are imbued with rune magic (most likely artificial)
- They are essentially the same monsters, but with more strength and/or powers
- Alternatively, they are berserk because their body is not ready
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